Which of the following statements is true about nonverbal messages? 2024

Xem Which of the following statements is true about nonverbal messages? 2024

Which statement is true about non-verbal communication? A. When verbal and nonverbal messages conflict words are more persuasive than nonverbal cues. B. Nonverbal cues are automatic echoes of spoken messages. C. Emotions are contagious D. Body language accounts for most of the message we send to others.


Asked 309 days ago|10/21/2021 9:04:21 PM

Updated 308 days ago|10/22/2021
1:18:42 PM

1 Answer/Comment

User: Which statement is true about non-verbal communication? A. When verbal and nonverbal messages conflict words are more persuasive than nonverbal cues. B. Nonverbal cues are automatic echoes of spoken messages. C. Emotions are contagious D. Body language accounts for most of the message we send to others.

Weegy: Body language accounts for most of
the message we send to others is the true statement.
Score .8954

User: All of the following are examples of emergency public information EXCEPT: A. Brochures on home swimming pool safety. B. Instructions to evacuate designated areas of the jurisdiction. C. Notification that hazardous weather is expected. D. Information on where to get food, water, and ice.

Weegy: All of the following are examples of emergency public information EXCEPT: Brochures on home
swimming pool safety.
|Score 1|emdjay23|Points 233653|

User: When delivering an oral presentation you should: A. Stand in a fixed position to keep the class from being distracted by any movement. B. Select one person in the room to maintain eye contact with. C. Try to come out from behind the podium; minimizing barriers between you and the participants. D. Use your prepared remarks as a
script. This means that you will need to memorize the content.

Weegy: When delivering an oral presentation you should: try to come out from behind the podium, minimizing barriers between you and the participants.
Score 1

User: To actively engage the audience you should avoid: A. Making eye contact with many different people in the audience. B. Demonstrating enthusiasm through voice, facial expressions, and gestures. C. Walking toward members of the
audience. D. Nonverbal behaviors that could be seen as negative or judgmental

Weegy: To actively engage the audience you should avoid: Nonverbal behaviors that could be seen as negative or judgmental.
|Score 1|emdjay23|Points 233653|

User: How do Emergency communications differ from routine communications? A. They may have barriers to comunication and require timeliness. B.
They may require timeliness and a required response. C. They may have barriers to comunication. D. They may have barriers to commuication, require timeliness and a required response.


Asked 309 days ago|10/21/2021 9:04:21 PM

Updated 308 days ago|10/22/2021 1:18:42 PM

1 Answer/Comment



Emergency communications differ from routine
communications: They may have barriers to communication and require timeliness.

Added 308 days ago|10/22/2021 1:18:42 PM

This answer has been confirmed as correct and helpful.

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which of the following is true about nonverbal communication?

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Chief of LearnyVerse

(321k points)

asked in Other Jan 4 739 views

Which of the following is true about nonverbal communication?

a. it is easier to understand nonverbal communication than verbal communication

b. nonverbal communication forms an insignificant part of interpersonal communication

c. nonverbal messages are more ambiguous when compared to verbal messages

d. adults generally believe verbal messages over nonverbal messages

e. verbal messages are
always congruent with nonverbal messages

1 Answer

by Get Answers

Chief of LearnyVerse

(321k points)

answered Jan 4

c. nonverbal messages are more ambiguous when compared to verbal messages

Which of the following statements about nonverbal message is true?

The correct answer is option B) when verbal and nonverbal messages are contradictory, receivers often give more weight to the nonverbal signals than to the words. Communication through body movement and signs without the use of written and spoken words is termed non-verbal communication.

Which of the following statements about nonverbal communication is most accurate quizlet?

Which is the most accurate statement about nonverbal behavior? Nonverbal communication includes only those behaviors individuals perform with their bodies. The eyes are often the best predictor of a speaker’s true feelings. When verbal and nonverbal messages conflict, receivers put more faith in verbal messages.

Which of the following are nonverbal channels quizlet?

Terms in this set (12).
facial displays. … .
eye behaviors. … .
movement and gestures. … .
types of gestures contd. … .
touch behaviors. … .
vocal behaviors. … .
the use of smell. … .
the use of space..

Which of the following are channels of nonverbal communication?

There are five major channels of nonverbal behaviors that assist in communication. These are paralanguage, kinesics, proxemics, facial expression and visual behavior.

Bạn đang tìm hiểu bài viết Which of the following statements is true about nonverbal messages? 2024


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