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- 1 Xem What are the different types of data that can be entered into worksheet cells 2024
- 1.1 What can be different types of data that can be entered in a cell in Excel 2010?
- 1.2 What are the 4 types of data you can enter into a worksheet?
- 1.3 What are the 3 types of data in a worksheet?
- 1.4 What are the different kinds of data that can be entered in the cells?
Xem What are the different types of data that can be entered into worksheet cells 2024
In Excel 2010, the worksheet consists of a grid of columns and rows that form cells. You enter three types of data in cells: labels, values, and formulas.
Labels (text) are descriptive pieces of information, such as names, months, or other identifying statistics, and they usually include alphabetic characters.
Values (numbers) are generally raw numbers or dates.
Formulas are instructions for Excel to perform calculations.
To enter data in a cell in Excel 2010, you select the cell, type the data, and press Enter. Excel moves the cell cursor down one cell. You also can click the Enter button (the check mark) in the Formula bar to enter data. The check mark appears only when you are in the process of entering (or editing) data.
If you want to move the cell cursor one cell to the right after data entry, press Tab or the right arrow key (instead of Enter) to complete the entry.
How Excel aligns the data (by default — you can change it later) depends on what type of data it is:
Label: Excel aligns text to the left side of the cell. If the text is too wide to fit, Excel extends that data past the cell width if the next cell is blank. If the next cell is not blank, Excel displays only enough text to fit the display width. Widening the column displays additional text.
To enter a numerical value or formula as a label, type an apostrophe before it.
Whole value: If the data is a whole value, such as 34 or 5763, Excel aligns the data to the right side of the cell.
Value with a decimal: If the data is a decimal value, Excel aligns the data to the right side of the cell, including the decimal point, with the exception of a trailing 0. For example, if you enter 246.75, then 246.75 is displayed; if you enter 246.70, however, 246.7 appears.
Date: If you enter a date, such 12/16, Dec 16, or 16 Dec, Excel automatically returns the value in your default date format (16-Dec if you haven’t changed it) in the cell, but the Formula bar displays 12/16/2010.
Excel recognizes dates when you enter them in a familiar format.
If a value displays as scientific notation (such as 1.23E+11) or number signs (######), it means the value is too long to fit into the cell. You need to widen the column.
Formulas are distinguished from regular data by starting with an equals sign (=) as the first character. Everything following this equals sign is evaluated as a formula.
Alternate Beginnings for Formulas
To accommodate those more familiar with Lotus spreadsheets, Gnumeric recognizes the commercial at symbol (@) as the beginning of a formula and substitutes an equals sign. The plus and minus characters (+ and -) may also start formulas that involve calculation, but when used in front of a single number only indicate the sign of the number.
The simplest formulas just use the standard math operator and symbols. Addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division are represented by +, -, *, and /, just as you would expect. +,- can be placed in front of numbers to indicate sign, as well.
Example 5-1 Examples of standard operators
=5+5 returns 10. =5-4 returns 1. =-5 returns -5. =5*5 returns 25. =(5*5)+11 returns 36. =(5*5)+(49/7) returns 32.
Formulas can include the displayed data from other cells. These contents are described as `cell references’ which are names indicating that the contents of other cells should be used in the calculation.
Each cell in a spreadsheet is named by its column and row labels. By default, the column labels are letters and the row labels are numbers. The first cell, therefore, is called A1. One column over and two rows down from cell A1 is the cell B3. In a worksheet of the default size, the right most and bottom most cell is cell IV65536 which is the cell in column IV and in row 65536. An alternative cell reference notation uses numbers for both row and column identification. See Section ― References using R1C1 Notation below for details.
The value of a cell can be used in a formula simply by entering its name where a number value would otherwise occur. For example, to have the data in cell B1 appear in another cell, enter =B1 into that cell. Other more complex examples include:
Example 5-4 Some examples of simple cell reference syntax
=A1+EXP(B1)-(C3/C4) =COS(A2)*SIN(A2)
Cells can be referenced in the default way (relative referencing), or by using absolute referencing. Absolute referencing means that when the cell is copied, the cell reference does not change. Normally, auto-filling a cell range or moving a cell will change its cell reference so that it maintains a relation to the original cell. Absolute referencing prevents these changes.
When Does Relative Referencing Make a Difference?
The difference between absolute and relative cell references only matters if you are copying or moving cells that contain cell references. For cells that are going to remain in place, both the relative and absolute references have the same result.
Example 5-5 Relative References
For example, if =A1 is the formula entered into cell B2, cell B2 will display the data in cell A1, which is one row up and one column left. Then, if you copy the contents of B2 to cell F6, cell F6 will contain the value from E5, which is also one row up and one column left.
For the copied cell to still refer to A1, specify absolute references using the $ character: $A$1 refers to cell A1, no matter where it is copied.
The format for absolute cell referencing is to use a ‘$’ in front of the cell coordinate that you want to stay constant. The column, the row, or both can be held constant.
Example 5-6 Cell referencing examples
What happens when a given formula is entered into cell B2, then copied to other cells?
=A1 is a normal, or relative, cell reference function. When =A1 is entered into cell B2, it refers to the value of data one cell up and one cell left from the cell with the reference. Therefore, if this formula were copied from cell B2 to cell C2, the value displayed in cell C2 will be the value of data in cell B1. Copied to cell R19, the formula will display the data in cell Q18.
In this case, the column value is absolute, but the row value is relative. Therefore, if =$A1 is entered into cell B2, the formula refers to the data in column A that is one row up from the current location. Copied to cell C2, the formula will refer to the data in cell A1. Copied to cell R19, it will refer to the data in A18.
This formula uses a relative column value and an absolute row value. In cell B2, it refers to cell A1 as the data in the cell one column left and in row 1. Copied to cell C3, the formula will display the data in cell B1.
No matter where this formula is copied, it will always refer to the data in cell A1.
When r and c are positive integers, as in “R1C1”, the reference is absolute. To produce a relative reference, enclose a number in square brackets; if the number is zero, it can be omitted along with the brackets. For example, “RC[-2]” refers to the cell two columns to the left in the current row, while “R[1]C1” refers to the cell in the first column of the next row down from the referencing cell. The second example combines a relative row reference with an absolute column reference.
Many functions can take multiple cells as arguments. This can either be a comma separated list, an array, or any combination thereof.
A comma separated list of cell references can be used to indicate cells that are discontinuous.
Example 5-7 Some examples of function syntax
=SUM(A1,B2,C4) =MIN(A1,B2,C4,C5,D6)
For functions that take more than one argument, it is often easier to reference the cells as a group. This can include cells in sets horizontally, vertically, or in arrays.
The ‘:’ operator is used to indicate a range of cells. The basic syntax is upper left corner:bottom right corner.
Example 5-8 Referencing blocks of cells
=SUM(A1:E1) =AVERAGE(B4:E7) =MIN(A1:A5)
For referencing cells that are in non-continuous regions, you can use any combination of the above methods to get the needed cells.
Example 5-9 Referencing blocks of cells
=SUM(A1:E1, B19, L14:L17) =AVERAGE(A1,A3, A5:C5)
Example 5-10 Referencing cells in other sheets
='Sheet 0'!A1+'Sheet 3'!A5 =SUM(Sheet1!A1:A5)
It is possible to reference cells in other files. The canonical form for these references is [filename]SHEETNAME!CELLLIST. The square brackets serve to quote filename, so you should use quotation marks only if they are actually part of the file name. Note that the sheet name must be present in references of this form.
What can be different types of data that can be entered in a cell in Excel 2010?
What are the 4 types of data you can enter into a worksheet?
Excel worksheets contain four types of data: text, values, dates, and formulas.
What are the 3 types of data in a worksheet?
What are the different kinds of data that can be entered in the cells?
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