Quizlet all of the following are examples of third-party ownership of a life insurance policy except 2024

Xem Quizlet all of the following are examples of third-party ownership of a life insurance policy except 2024

Who are the parties in a third-party life insurance ownership situation?

The policyowner, the insured, and the beneficiary

The insured, the insurer, and the beneficiary

The policyowner, the insured, and the insurer

The policyowner, the insurer, and the beneficiary

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Terms in this set (15)

A) Not directly involved in sales, production, or service

Key persons are employees whose contributions have a significant impact on the revenue and profitability of the company, especially in small businesses. They are typically: part of the management team, more highly paid, respected by customers, creditors, suppliers, and vendors, and have direct
responsibilities for sales, production, or service.

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All of the following statements about key person life insurance are correct, EXCEPT:

A. The business applies for, owns, and is the beneficiary of the policy covering the life of a key employee.
B. Life insurance used as key person life is normally owned by the business rather than the insured.
C. Upon the insured employee’s death, the employee’s surviving family receives the policy’s death benefit.
D. Key person, or key employee, life insurance is an example of
third-party ownership.

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What is an example of a third party ownership of a life insurance policy?

The insurance owner and the insured are two different entities. As in our previous example, parents buying a life insurance policy on their child when he or she is born is third party insurance ownership.

What is an example of third party ownership?

An example of a third party would be the escrow company in a real estate transaction; the escrow party acts as a neutral agent by collecting the documents and money that the buyer and seller exchange when completing the transaction.

Who is the third party in life insurance?

What Is a Third-Party Beneficiary? A third-party beneficiary is a person or business that benefits from the terms of a contract made between two other parties.

Who is a third party owner?

Third Party Owner means any person who is the legal or beneficial owner (including a Lessor) of any Assets used or occupied by, or in the possession of the Deed Company as at the Appointment Date.

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