downvote là gì – Nghĩa của từ downvote 2024

Xem downvote là gì – Nghĩa của từ downvote 2024

downvote có nghĩa là

A downvoter is someone who will go on UD and downvote everything they come across because they have no skill to make their own definitions and have no friends to help them so to make them feel better about themselves they just try and ruin everyone elses fun.

Ví dụ

I went on my user page today and sure enuf every single on my definitions had a single downvote on them. I kinda feel sorry for the downvoter because if they think it will really hurt someones feelings or that the person really gives a shit what they think is sad. They should just buy a print dictionary and torture it instead.

downvote có nghĩa là

(n) In competitions, the act of voting low other’s entries for the purpose of improving oneself’s entry.
opp: Upvoting (see)

(v) to downvote

Ví dụ

I went on my user page today and sure enuf every single on my definitions had a single downvote on them. I kinda feel sorry for the downvoter because if they think it will really hurt someones feelings or that the person really gives a shit what they think is sad. They should just buy a print dictionary and torture it instead.
(n) In competitions, the act of voting low other’s entries for the purpose of improving oneself’s entry.
opp: Upvoting (see)

downvote có nghĩa là

To vote as negatively as possible on something simply to offset its vote average.

Ví dụ

I went on my user page today and sure enuf every single on my definitions had a single downvote on them. I kinda feel sorry for the downvoter because if they think it will really hurt someones feelings or that the person really gives a shit what they think is sad. They should just buy a print dictionary and torture it instead.

downvote có nghĩa là

(n) In competitions, the act of voting low other’s entries for the purpose of improving oneself’s entry.

Ví dụ

I went on my user page today and sure enuf every single on my definitions had a single downvote on them. I kinda feel sorry for the downvoter because if they think it will really hurt someones feelings or that the person really gives a shit what they think is sad. They should just buy a print dictionary and torture it instead.
(n) In competitions, the act of voting low other’s entries for the purpose of improving oneself’s entry.
opp: Upvoting (see)

(v) to downvote

downvote có nghĩa là

Hey you have downvoted me!
You are a downvoter!
Stop downvoting!
To vote as negatively as possible on something simply to offset its vote average.
A good example of downvote would be to give this definition a thumbs down, even though it’s perfectly legit.

Ví dụ

A user on a website that only gives negative ratings.

downvote có nghĩa là

A downvoter here on UD would do nothing but thumbs down definitions.

Ví dụ

The post i made got -50! I’m too obscure to be in downvote hell!

downvote có nghĩa là

On YTMND, they always give sites a rating of 1 star, regardless of whether it sucks or not.

Ví dụ

why the hell is there no downvote this sucks ass what the fuck

downvote có nghĩa là

On Threadless, they just sit there, continuosly clicking the “OMG STUPID” button. And they’re everywhere.
An act done by people that:
a) Get their definitions at the top

Ví dụ

b) Disagree with the definition (best reason)

downvote có nghĩa là

c) Have low self esteem and want others to feel pity for them.

Ví dụ

Partyrockstar222 has a bad reputation on Urban Dictionary due to the amount of downvotes he has on his definitions.

downvote có nghĩa là

The point where the amount of downvotes on a post are irreversible.

Ví dụ

The post i made got -50! I’m too obscure to be in downvote hell!
it must be in Instagram and tiktok
why the hell is there no downvote this sucks ass what the fuck
v. What is to be done when someone disagrees with you.
n. A thing left on a post or comment when downvoted.

Bạn đang tìm hiểu bài viết downvote là gì – Nghĩa của từ downvote 2024


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Địa chỉ: Ngõ 346 Nam Dư, Trần Phú, Hoàng Mai, Hà Nội.